GRADE 12   


  1. This question paper consists of SECTION A and SECTION B. 
    SECTION B: Answer any TWO questions in this section. 
  3. Read ALL the questions carefully. 
  4. Start EACH question on a NEW page.
  5. The length of your answers must be in accordance with the marks allocated  to each question. 
  6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this  question paper. 
  7. Write neatly and legibly.


1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.  Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question  number (1.1.1–1.1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.11 D. 
1.1.1 A feeling of connection to the divine: 

A Conciliatory 
B Communion 
C Compassion 
D Confirmed (1)

1.1.2 Sangha is believed to be one of the three jewels of … 

A Buddhism. 
B the New Age Movement. 
C Hinduism. 
D the Bahá'i faith. (1)

1.1.3 Ecumenical is … 

A bread that is eaten at Christian rituals. 
B a Jew. 
C any person who is NOT a Jew. 
D promoting unity among Christians. (1) 

1.1.4 According to its teachings, all religions are part of God 's divine plan  for humanity: 

A Islam 
B Bahá'i faith 
C Christianity 
D Taoism (1)

1.1.5 The holy book of Buddhism is the … 

A Ketuvim. 
B Mahabharata. 
C Tripitaka. 
D Neviim. (1)

1.1.6 All religions are paths towards the truth and they are equally true: 

A Inclusivism 
B Pluralism 
C Ideology 
D Identity (1)

1.1.7 The followers of this religion believe they are the 'chosen people': 

A Christianity 
B Bahá'i faith 
C Judaism 
D Islam (1)

1.1.8 The sacred book of Islam is the … 

Related Items

A Old Testament. 
B Torah. 
C Qur'an. 
D first five books of the Bible. (1) 

1.1.9 The following religions communicate with the Supreme Being  through intermediaries: 

A African Traditional Religion and Islam 
B African Traditional Religion and Christianity 
C Hinduism and Buddhism 
D Judaism and Islam (1)

1.1.10 All world processes are made up of two forces: 

A Male and female 
B Wane and death 
C Diviner and power 
D Yin and yang (1) 

1.2 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches the term in COLUMN A.  Write only the letter (A–G) next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.6) in the  ANSWER BOOK. Do NOT use any letter more than once. 



1.2.1 Buddhism  

1.2.2 Lineage  

1.2.3 Swami 

1.2.4 Ritual  

1.2.5 Conviction  

1.2.6 Islam 

  1. adherence to the Five Pillars
  2. a systematic process to discover  valid answers 
  3. a strongly held opinion, a belief 
  4. head of Hindu schools and traditions 
  5. the link between ancestor and the living
  6. religious observance intended to remind  of a sacred occasion
  7. there is no god at the centre of its beliefs  and teachings

(6 x 1) (6)

1.3 Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing word(s). Write only  the word(s) next to the question number (1.3.1–1.3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK. 
1.3.1 The founding figure of Buddhism was … and he is known as the  Buddha. (2) 
1.3.2 The Muslim religious leader whose authority is believed to be  derived from Prophet Mohammed is the … (2) 
1.3.3 In Hindu society, the highest caste is known as the priestly or the … (2) 
1.3.4 The Queen of England is the hereditary head of the … Church. (2) 
1.3.5 In the African Traditional Religion, the special people that are called  by their ancestors to heal the living are called … (2) 
1.4 In the context of religion, define the following terms in TWO sentences:
1.4.1 Polytheism (2)
1.4.2 Ideology (2)
1.4.3 Reincarnation (2)
1.4.4 Nirvana (2)
1.4.5 Sect (2) 
1.5 Indicate whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE. Give a  reason if the statement is false. Write 'true' or 'false' and the reason next to  the question number (1.5.1–1.5.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.  
1.5.1 Baptism is a spiritual discipline including breath control, simple  meditation, and specific body postures. (2) 
1.5.2 In the Abrahamic faiths, spontaneity and flexibility are the  characteristics of the path that the universe travels. (2) 
1.5.3 The Ten Commandments were revealed to Jesus Christ. (2)
1.5.4 The word 'immortal' means living forever or everlasting. (2)
1.5.5 The Book of Mormon is one of the sacred texts for the Bahá'i faith. (2)
1.6 In TWO sentences, briefly describe EACH of the following as they apply to the  study of religion: 
1.6.1 Doctrine (2)
1.6.2 Myth (2)


Answer any TWO questions in this section. 
2.1 In the context of religion, write ONE fact on EACH of the following terms and  give ONE example to illustrate its meaning: 
2.1.1 Difference (4)
2.1.2 Teachings (4)
2.1.3 Dharma (4)
2.1.4 Syncretism (4)
2.1.5 Exclusivism (4) 
2.2 State any THREE unique features of EACH of the following religions:
2.2.1 Christianity (6)
2.2.2 Taoism (6)
2.2.3 African Traditional Religion (6) 
2.3 Discuss the importance of uniqueness in religion. (12) [50]

3.1 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow. 


Professor Jonathan Jansen, Vice-Chancellor of the Free State University, hit the nail  on the head with a beautifully written message on Facebook this week. The message  pays tribute to Ahmed Kathrada, the struggle hero who passed away this week. Jansen reminds us all of just how unique and amazing South Africa is. 
He wrote: 'Show me another country where the Anglican Archbishop prays at a Muslim  funeral; where a white man chairs the proceedings to remember a leader from a black  liberation movement; where a sitting president of a developing country is told to step  down in a letter from the deceased stalwart of his own party; where the widow of the  black man being buried is a white woman who gave her life to the struggle for freedom;  and where Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and other faiths come together in a broad  swathe of South African humanity to remember a man who fought for all of us.  Where on and off the stage no one racial or ethnic or religious group dominated the  event.' 
'For a moment, just a moment, it felt good to hope again … ' 

[Adapted from http://News 24/ahmedkathrada.  Accessed on 30 March 2017]

3.1.1 What lessons does this message teach us? Give evidence from the  extract to support your answer. (12) 
3.1.2 Discuss any THREE reasons that, according to the message,  make South Africa unique. (12) 
3.1.3 The last line of the message reads, 'For a moment, just a moment,  it felt good to hope again …'  What do you think Jansen means by this? (6) 
3.1.4 List THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages of religious  organisations using social media. (6 x 2) (12) 
3.2 Why do you think the media is generally biased in the coverage of religious  issues? (8) [50]

4.1 Read the statement below and answer the questions that follow. 


When the white man came to our country, he had the Bible and we had the  land. The white man said to us, 'Let us pray.' After the prayer, the white man  had the land and we had the Bible. (Dube, MW [2000]. Postcolonial Feminist  Interpretation of the Bible [St Louis, Chalice Press]) 

 [Source: Shuters Top Class Religion Studies Grade 12]

4.1.1 In the context of the statement above, explain colonialism. (4) 
4.1.2 Do you agree with Dube's interpretation of missionary work?  Give reasons for your answer. (12) 
4.1.3 Compare the terms interreligious dialogue and intrareligious  dialogue and give ONE example in each case. (8) 
4.2 Name ONE organisation that works to promote interreligious relationships in  Africa. State any SEVEN of its achievements. (16) 
4.3 Briefly discuss the background and main purpose of the organisation you  named in QUESTION 4.2. (10) [50]

5.1 State any FOUR contributions by the World Conference for Religions for  Peace, which promote interreligious harmony. (8) 
5.2 With reference to any of the religions you have studied, discuss religious  teachings that promote good morality. (10) 
5.3 Critically analyse the role religions played in the struggle against apartheid  in South Africa. (12) 
5.4 Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 


The concept of human rights has been in existence for centuries. The need to  establish an international agreement regarding human rights became urgent  at the end of World War II.   

[Source: Focus on Religion Studies, Grade 12]

5.4.1 What does the concept of religious freedom imply? (4)
5.4.2 Explain what is meant by human rights. (4) 
5.4.3 Explain how different religions are practically involved in promoting  religious freedom, human rights and responsibilities. (12) [50] 


Last modified on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 09:33