1.1.1 The nature of humanity, with reference to community and individual

  • Christians believe that humans were created in the image of God.
  • After creating Adam and Eve, God instructed them to look after the Garden of Eden and whole of creation.
  • As co-creator with God, humans are God’s representatives on earth.
  • God has appointed them to look after His property, the world.
  • Christians believe that human beings were created to be immortal.
  • However Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commandments.
  • The penalty for this sin was death for the human race.
  • Even after this condemnation, God still tried to liberate humanity from evil and death.
  • After death, Christians envisage a new community that will be marked by love. (10)

1.1.2 Nature of life after death

  • Christians believe that human beings were created to be immortal.
  • Adam and Eve disobeyed Gods commandments.
  • The penalty for this sin was death for the human race.
  • After this condemnation, God still tried to liberate humanity from evil and death.
  • After death, Christians envisage a new community that will be marked by love, sharing and caring.(10)

1.1.3 Nature of divinity

  • God is the creator of the universe.
  • God is omnipotent which means that He is powerful.
  • God is a spirit being.
  • God is caring and loving.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.) (10)

1.2 Internal difference in any ONE religion
1.2.1 Difference in teachings
Teachings in Islam

  • Islam is divided into two major groups, namely the Sunni and Shi’a.

Sunni Muslim

  • Sunni refers to following the Sunnah (example) of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Hadith narrated by the companions of the Prophet have equal status to those narrated by his family members.
  • The sect believes that all the teachings contained in the Books of Hadith are equally important.
  • Sunnis follow the teachings of scholars from the 7th and 8th centuries.
  • Sunni do not accept that a caliph can come exclusively from the Prophet’s family.

Shi’a Muslim

  • Shia means partisan or separate party.
  • The hadith narrated by the companions of the Prophet have less significance than that narrated by his family members.
  • The Shi’a follow the teachings and opinions only of a living scholar.(10)

1.2.2 Difference in governance

  • There is no clergy in Sunni Islam.
  • Any Moslem can serve on community boards.
  • Governance is community-based.
  • Scholars of Islam and community members serve on governing boards of mosques and madrassah and schools.


  • Shi’a Muslim revere the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad and that they have the right to lead Muslims.
  • They reserve the title ‘Imran’ for certain past leaders who are believed to have been chosen by God.
  • The final word in any uncertainty about any religious or political issues lies with the representatives of the Imam.
  • Governance is in the hands of mullahs (priests) who rule by religious decree.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.) (10)


2.1 (For the purpose of this marking guideline Christianity is discussed as an example.)
2.1.1 Causes

  • Breaking up of families
  • High volume of illegal firearms circulating in society
  • Erosion of the moral fibre
  • Patriarchy / male dominance
  • Poverty
  • Adultery
  • Alcohol and / or drug abuse
    (Any relevant answer should be credited.)(6)

2.1.2 Effects

  • Family breakdown
  • Justification of violent crimes
  • Physical injury and death
  • Unstable marriages
  • Trauma among the victims
  • Increased in child-headed families
  • Abuse childhood perpetuating GBV
  • Emotional damage in victims and survivors
  • Neglected children
  • Mental illness like depression
  • Femicide
    (NOTE: Other responses must be credited.)(10)

2.1.3 Religious teachings

  • Violence is prohibited, especially against the weak and vulnerable.
  • Good family values are emphasised.
  • Fathers are encouraged to love their wives.
  • Boys and girls are treated equally.
  • Love and peace form part of central teachings.
  • Adultery is prohibited.
    (NOTE: Other responses must be credited.)(10)

2.2.1 The World Council of Churches

  • Most religious leaders on both sides of the dispute facilitate peace at local levels.
  • Even today, people of different religions live peacefully even in one family and across levels. Part of the conflict.
  • Religious organisations are still carrying out humanitarian activities to all people affected by the war, irrespective of religion.
  • The religious bodies failed to bring political stability at a national level because they have no political power.
  • Religious extremism combined with tribal tensions in South Sudan are still part of the conflict.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(8)

2.1.2 Interfaith Action for Peace in Africa (IFAPA)

  • Tried to bring together religious communities, civil society, the private sector and government to resolve the conflict.
  • The IFAPA was able to work with humanitarian organisations to provide health services, shelters and other basic needs.
  • Send interfaith delegations to conflict risk areas.
  • Organising exchange visits between landmine victims and survivors from Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda.
  • The conflict is more political than religious and needs government intervention.
  • Even the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission has not been able to stop abuse in the country. The country is still dominated by a culture of impunity that allows atrocities to prevail.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(6)

2.3 Hermeneutical principles

  • Grammar and historical context: This means one must use the rules of grammar and the historical facts to interpret the literal meaning of a text.
  • Plan, purpose and context: A piece of writing should be viewed as a whole. What is the writing plan or structure? What was the author's purpose in writing the text? What is the context of the passage being looked at?
  • Meaning of words: The meaning of words change over time and in different places. Find out the original meaning as they were used in the normative source.
  • Figurative meaning: Figurative and non-literal meaning must be taken into account.
  • Other sacred texts: Sacred texts may be used to interpret other sacred texts.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited. Four marks are allocated for mentioning only principles without giving explanation.)(10)


3.1.1 Materialism

  • This worldview originated in various areas within Europe and Asia.
  • It originated during the Axial era from 800–200 BCE.
  • Materialism expresses itself in ancient Indian philosophy, in Buddhism and Confucianism.
  • In the West materialism was first developed by Greek philosophers – the Atomists, and was revived in the 18th century.
  • An elaboration of the concepts of materialism was made by Karl Marx during the 19th century.
  • Marx included human history and economic activity into materialism.
  • It was at this time that the Protestant movement was gaining ground in Europe.
  • This emboldened secularists, including materialists, to develop worldviews other than religion.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(10)

Secular humanism

  • It was first used as a concept in the 1950s.
  • Secular humanism is a branch of humanism.
  • The term ‘humanism’ was originally a religious term.
  • In the Renaissance era a humanist was anyone who studied classical literature and education.
  • This movement initially encouraged people to use their intellect to understand scripture.
  • Later it became secular, non religious and atheistic.
  • It teaches that supernatural beings are not a necessity for teaching right from wrong.
  • Humans can work this out for themselves, using their reasoning skills.
  • It rejects religious beliefs and the existence of the supernatural.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(10)

3.1.2 Secularism as a worldview

  • Secularism is a belief that government and morality should not be based on religion.
  • It does not reject religion, but does not give religion the final say on morality or government.
  • Instead, secularism sees human intellect as a solution to all challenges.
  • Secularism advocates ethics based on reasoning about human nature, without refering to God or gods.
  • Secularism advocates freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
  • Secularism understands the universe without appealing to religious explanations, such as Creationism and myths.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(10)

3.2.1 Oral tradition

  • Original inspiration is usually first spread through oral tradition in many religions.
  • Oral tradition has been used to transfer religious messages before the religious writings.
  • Before the invention of writing, religious traditions were transmitted by word of mouth.
  • It is true that these traditions developed, changed and are adapted over time.
  • All religion followed oral tradition over many centuries and some still have elements of oral traditions.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(10)

3.2.2 Inspiration

  • Inspiration is an important normative source in many religions.
  • It is the true origin of all religions.
  • Inspiration refers to the power or force of an extraordinary being, 'taking over' a chosen being.
  • The founding figures of many religions were inspired by a higher power or wisdom.
  • Such people felt that they received 'revelation' from an extraordinary being.
  • Examples are Moses, Jesus Christ, Abraham, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha and Baha'u'llah.
  • In ATR, mediums or diviners receive inspiration while they are in a trance.
  • This inspiration is on-going, while that of the Abrahamic faiths did not go beyond their founders.
  • Inspiration is a powerful motivation for the followers of a religion.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(10)


4.1.1 Darwin’s Theory

  • The scientific answer to the question comes from Darwin’s Theory of evolution.
  • It state that all forms of life are connected from Darwin’s common origin.
  • Organisms change gradually to adapt to changing environments.
  • Those that suit the environment best, become dominant.
  • This is called “natural selection”.
  • The process started many millions of years ago, and is still continuing.
  • Human beings also emerged over a long process, spanning millions of years, until ‘modern’ humans finally emerged about 100 000 years ago.
  • The theory of evolution asserts that humans evolved from a common primate ancestor that is apes.
    (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(14)


  1. Christianity
    • The Creator is male.
    • At first, only the creator existed.
    • The Creator made the universe from nothing.
    • The process of creation took six days.
    • Humans were made on the sixth day.
    • There is one perfect God.
    • He created the heaven and earth, and all that in it.
    • The first two humans were Adam and Eve. God made from clay.
    • God breathed His spirit into Adam, and he came to life.
    • These humans lived in the perfect Garden of Eden.(12)
  2. Hinduism
    • Hinduism has no problem with evolution. They have more advanced theories which incorporates spiritual evolution.
    • The evolution theory did not create conflict with Hindu thought and beliefs. It contributed to the understanding of evolution towards Moksha.
    • Therefore, in these religions (Hinduism and Buddhism), there is no change in attitude.
    • In African Traditional Religion, there has been no objection to the evolution theory, as the universe is seen as interconnected parts.
    • However, the status of man is clearly seen as above all other creation.
      (Any other relevant responses must be credited.)(12)

4.1.3 Big Bang Theory

  • The Scientific explanation Creation is called the Big Bang Theory.
  • According to the Big Bang Theory, it is not known what existed before the Big Bang.
  • The Big Bang Theory states that there was enormous explosion and within a second the universe appeared and filled out to an enormous size.
  • The Big Bang Theory states that the process of creation occurred within a second.
  • According to the scientific account the Big Bang took place 13,7 billion years ago.
  • Small temperature differences led to varying densities of matter throughout the universe.
  • Those densities formed into clusters of matter and energy.
  • The clusters continued to condense in a lump way and eventually formed the vast collection of stars called galaxies.
  • Some galaxies condensed into a combination of stars called solar system.
  • Scientists believes that the universe is expanding at this moment.
  • The scientific account does not mention any Creator.(12)

TOTAL: 150

Last modified on Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:42