1. Candidates are required to answer ALL the questions.
  2. These marking guidelines serve as a guide to markers. Some responses may require a marker's discretion, while others may be expanded at the national marking guideline discussion.
    Candidates' responses should be assessed as objectively as possible.


  • Because the focus is on understanding, incorrect spelling and language errors in responses should not be penalised unless such errors change the meaning/ understanding. (Errors must still be indicated.)
  • If a candidate uses words from a language other than the one being examined, disregard those words, and if the answer still makes sense, do not penalise. However, if a word from another language is used in a text and required in an answer, this will be acceptable.
  • For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or I AGREE/I DISAGREE. The reason/substantiation/motivation is what should be considered.
  • When one-word answers are required and the candidate gives a whole sentence, mark correct provided that the correct word is underlined/ highlighted.
  • When two/three facts/points are required and a range is given, mark only the first two/three.
  • Accept dialectal variations.
  • For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding with the correct answer AND/OR the answer written out in full.


1.1 It is enjoyable./It makes us happy.✓(1)
1.2.1 When creative activities are pursued as a hobby, they are done for enjoyment.✓
When creative activities are pursued for a living, one earns an income from them. ✓(2)
1.2.2 To express/set free✓our creative thoughts/ideas✓(2)
1.3.1 The writer makes reference to 'prehistoric times' to illustrate that creativity✓ has (always) been part of the human experience for a very long time/since ancient times.✓(2)
1.3.2 Creativity is inherent in human beings/is a natural part of being human.✓ (1)
1.4.1 'trauma'✓1)
1.4.2 drawing✓
shaping ✓
art/artistic self-expression✓
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above answers. (2)
1.5 Expressive writing can help people to realise a positive sense of self.✓
Expressive writing helps with the management of persistent pain.✓
Expressive writing helps with learning and memorisation.✓
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above answers. (2)
1.6 In today's technologically advanced world, people generally type✓rather than write.✓ (2)
1.7 B/prolonged pain.✓ (1)
1.8 It improves mobility of the shoulder.✓
It boosts the body image. ✓ (2)
1.9 Hip-hopand aerobic dancing✓ (2)
1.10 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.
The use of the various studies lends authenticity to the information contained in the passage. It adds credibility to the views of the writer. It provides a scientific basis for the claims made in the passage, thereby convincing the reader.
The references made to various studies are vague and may therefore not be credible and reliable. This will lead to the reader being sceptical about the findings of the studies.
NOTE: Accept other suitable responses. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination answer. (2)
The title is suitable because it is linked to the article which is about how being creative can allow one to 'get better'. The passage focuses on how engaging in creative activities can lead to a better quality of life, leading to one's physical and psychological well-being/healing.
Engaging in creative activities is not a guarantee of a miracle cure for sickness. The passage focuses predominantly on how people can cope better with illnesses if they pursue creative activities, rather than being completely healed. Therefore, the title can be misleading.
NOTE: Accept other suitable responses. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination answer. (2)
1.12 The man and the woman are wearing seatbelts.✓
The rear-view mirror is clearly visible.✓
The man is seated in the driver's seat/is holding the steering-wheel.✓
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above answers. (2)
1.13 His mouth and eyes are wide open.✓
His head is tilted to the side/in the direction of the falling food.✓ (2)
1.14 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.
This text conveys an important message about concentrating on the road when driving. In this text, the man is distracted (when the food that he tries to eat while driving spills/drops), causing him to swerve off the road, almost knocking into a cow.
This visual is not intended to convey an important message. The cow scampering out of the way by the swerving car suggests a light-hearted look at an adventurous road trip.
NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes or No.
The above are merely examples. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination answer.(2)


The following points form the answer to the question:

(NOTE: Candidates may phrase the facts differently.) 
1. 'When your eyes are exposed to blue light, especially from screens, your brain produces less of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.'  1. Avoid using devices that emit blue light before bedtime. 
2. 'Bathing or showering raises your body temperature. Immediately thereafter, your body temperature will drop sending a signal to your brain that you are ready to sleep.'  2. Bath or shower before sleeping. 
3. 'Keep a notepad and, before sleeping, make a list of what is on your mind or a list of things to do.'  3. Make a note of what is worrying you./ Compile a to-do list of tasks. 
4. 'Do not consume caffeinated drinks before bedtime.'  4. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages before sleeping. 
5. 'Fool your body into thinking that you are tired by letting your eyes droop and your arms and legs feel heavy.'  5. Make your body believe that it is tired. 
6. 'When you experience difficulty falling asleep, choose calming music and fall asleep with it playing softly in the background.'  6. Listen to calming music. 
7. 'Anxiety can cause you to lie awake. Taking deep breaths will relax you and make you sleep.' 7. Take deep breaths to relieve anxiety before bed.
8. 'If you are awake for more than twenty minutes during the night, get out of bed and engage in a less demanding activity, such as colouring a book.'  8. Do a boring task if you cannot fall asleep. 

Marking is on the basis of the inclusion of valid material and the exclusion of invalid material.
The summary should be marked as follows:

Mark allocation:

  • 7 marks for 7 points (1 mark per main point)
  • 3 marks for language
  • Total marks: 10

Distribution of language marks when candidate has not quoted verbatim:

Related Items

  • 1–3 points correct: award 1 mark
  • 4–5 points correct: award 2 marks
  • 6–7 points correct: award 3 marks

Distribution of language marks when candidate has quoted verbatim:

  • 6–7 quotes: award no language mark
  • 1–5 quotes: award 1 language mark

Word count:

  • Markers are required to verify the number of words used.
  • Do not deduct any marks if the candidate fails to indicate the number of words used, or if the number of words used is indicated incorrectly.
  • If the word limit is exceeded, read up to the last sentence above the stipulated upper limit and ignore the rest of the summary.



  • Spelling:
    • One-word answers must be marked correct even if the spelling is incorrect, unless the error changes the meaning of the word.
    • In full-sentence answers, incorrect spelling should be penalised if the error is in the language structure being tested.
  • Sentence structures must be grammatically correct and given in full sentences/as per instructions.
  • For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding with the correct answer AND/OR the answer written out in full as correct.
  • Where an abbreviation is tested, the answer must be punctuated correctly.

3.1 Parents/children/teenagers/pre-teenagers✓ (1)
3.2 The advertiser draws attention to the visual which represents a bowl of Kellogg's cereal.✓ According to the advertisement, this bowl of cereal is what is needed to 'start your great'.✓ (2)
3.3 The visual is a mural/drawing of a young girl playing a guitar made of a Kellogg's cereal box superimposed against a mural/drawing of a band playing to an admiring audience✓This symbolises the young girl's potential for greatness (because she consumes Kellogg's cereal).✓ (2)
3.4 who have✓ (1)
3.5 Kellogg's has been in existence for over 110 years.✓ (1)
3.6 It allows the reader to acquire more information about the advertised product.✓ (1)
3.7 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.
The suggestion is that if you have Kellogg's for breakfast, you will achieve greatness. This advertisement supports the idea that if you want to be productive and achieve success, you must start your day with a good breakfast. Therefore, you are likely to be influenced to purchase this product.
Success/Achieving greatness does not depend only on the breakfast that one eats but on a number of other variables. Kellogg's cereals are not necessarily the healthiest of breakfasts as many of the cereals contain too much sugar, which is unhealthy. Therefore, the more discerning consumer will not purchase this product.
NOTE: The above are merely examples. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination
answer. (2)

4.1 She has one hand on her hip.✓
She is scratching her head./Her finger is on her head.✓
Her eyes are wide open.✓
Her head is turned to her left.✓
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above answers. (2)
4.2 He is relaxing on his bed./He is reading a book.✓ (1)
4.3 A/Forgetful✓(1)
4.4 He is too engaged in his own activities ✓to care about what his mother is saying.✓
He interprets his mother's questions as rhetorical,✓ because he knows that she will eventually remember/find what she is looking for.✓
Jeremy's mother does all the talking ✓and does not give him the opportunity to speak.✓
NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above combinations. (2)
4.5 In Frame 5, the woman is adjusting her glasses which she is relieved to have found. This is in contrast to Frame 4, which illustrates that she is looking for her glasses, although they are on her head. (2)
4.6 Open-ended. Accept a suitable response, e.g.
In Frames 1 to 5, the woman displays signs of forgetfulness, however, in Frame 6; her memory is astute when she remembers that Jeremy had not returned her change. The mother's detailed recollection in contrast to her earlier memory lapses and Jeremy's reaction to this, create humour.
There is no humour in the woman's request for her change from Jeremy as the money belongs to her. Furthermore, it is Jeremy who assists his mother by telling her where her glasses are. However, her attitude towards him in Frame 6 is harsh/demanding.
NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes or No.
The above are merely examples. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-substantiated. Accept a combination answer. (2)


  1. well-known✓(1)
  2. was✓(1)
  3. increased✓(1)
  4. to✓(1)

5.1.2 ended/concluded/finished/terminated✓ (1)
5.1.3 The container libraries were pledged✓to the Department of Basic Education by the company.✓ (2)
5.1.4 Each library does not contain 3 000 brand new books.✓ (1)
5.1.5 Container libraries will be equipped with solar panels.✓ (1)
5.1.6 CEO✓ (1)
5.1.7 Rademan said that the container library project would have a long- lasting positive impact on the lives of thousands of young learners.
NOTE: Award ONE mark for each underlined change and ONE mark for correct punctuation. (3)
5.1.8 Each library has brand new books that/which learners enjoy reading./Learners enjoy reading brand new books which each library has.✓ (1)
5.2.1 don't they/do they not✓ (1)
5.2.2 Dogs – noun✓
their – (possessive) pronoun✓ (2)
5.2.3 community✓ (1)
5.2.4 louder✓ (1)
5.2.5 The carpenter removed the bark of the tree./
The bark (ship) sailed from Cape Town to Durban.✓
NOTE: Accept other suitable responses. (1)

Last modified on Monday, 14 February 2022 07:42