1.1 The following cognitive levels were used to develop source-based  questions:   





  • Extract evidence from sources. 
  • Selection and organisation of  relevant information from sources. 
  • Define historical concepts/terms. 




  • Interpretation of evidence from the  sources. 
  • Explain information gathered from  the sources. 
  •  Analyse evidence from the  sources. 




  • Interpret and evaluate evidence  from sources. 
  • Engage with sources to determine  its usefulness, reliability, bias and  limitations. 
  • Compare and contrast  interpretations and perspectives  presented in sources and draw  independent conclusions. 



1.2 The information below indicates how source-based questions are  assessed:

  • In the marking of source-based questions credit needs to be given to  any other valid and relevant viewpoints, arguments, evidence or  examples. 
  • In the allocation of marks emphasis should be placed on how the  requirements of the question have been addressed. 
  • In the marking guideline, the requirements of the question (skills that  need to be addressed) as well as the level of the question are indicated  in italics. 
  • When assessing open-ended source-based questions, learners should  be credited for any relevant answers. 
  • Learners are expected to take a stance when answering ‘to what extent’  questions in order for any marks to be awarded. 

1.3 Assessment procedures for source-based questions   

  • Use a tick (✔) for each correct answer 
  • Pay attention to the mark scheme e.g. (2 × 2) which translates to two  reasons and is given two marks each (✔✔ ✔✔); (1 × 2) which  translates to one reason and is given two marks (✔✔) 
  • If a question carries 4 marks then indicate by placing 4 ticks (✔✔✔✔)   

Paragraph question  
Paragraphs are to be assessed globally (holistically). Both the content and  structure of the paragraph must be taken into account when awarding a  mark. The following steps must be used when assessing a response to a  paragraph question:  

  • Read the paragraph and place a bullet ( . ) at each point within the text  where the candidate has used relevant evidence to address the  question. 
  • Re-read the paragraph to evaluate the extent to which the candidate has  been able to use relevant evidence to write a paragraph. 
  • At the end of the paragraph indicate the ticks (√) that the candidate has  been awarded for the paragraph; as well as the level (1, 2 or 3) as  indicated in the holistic rubric and a brief comment e.g.  ___________ ˖ __________________________ ˖ _________________  _________________ ˖ __________________________ ˖ ___________  √√√√ Level 2 

Used mostly relevant evidence to write a basic paragraph  

  • Count all the ticks for the source-based question and then write the mark on  the right-hand bottom margin e.g.  32/50
  • Ensure that the total mark is transferred accurately to the front/back cover  the answer script.    

 2.1 The essay questions require candidates to:  

  • Be able to structure their argument in a logical and coherent manner.  They need to select, organise and connect the relevant information so  that they are able to present a reasonable sequence of facts or an  effective argument to answer the question posed. It is essential that an  essay has an introduction, a coherent and balanced body of evidence  and a conclusion.    

 2.2 Marking of essay questions  

  • Markers must be aware that the content of the answer will be guided by  the textbooks in use at the particular centre. 
  • Candidates may have any other relevant introduction and/or conclusion  than those included in a specific essay marking guideline for a specific  essay. 
  • When assessing open-ended source-based questions, learners should  be credited for Any other relevant answers.  

2.3 Global assessment of the essay  
The essay will be assessed holistically (globally). This approach requires the  teacher to score the overall product as a whole, without scoring the  component parts separately. This approach encourages the learner to offer  an individual opinion by using selected factual evidence to support an  argument. The learner will not be required to simply regurgitate 'facts' in  order to achieve a high mark. This approach discourages learners from  preparing ‘model’ answers and reproducing them without taking into account  the specific requirements of the question. Holistic marking of the essay  credits learners’ opinions supported by evidence. Holistic assessment, unlike  content-based marking, does not penalise language inadequacies as the  emphasis is on the following:  

  • The construction of argument 
  • The appropriate selection of factual evidence to support such argument 
  • The learner’s interpretation of the question.    

2.4 Assessment procedures of the essay 
2.4.1 Keep the synopsis in mind when assessing the essay.    
2.4.2 During the reading of the essay ticks need to be awarded for a  relevant introduction (indicated by a bullet in the marking  guideline/memorandum), each of the main points/aspects that is  properly contextualised (also indicated by bullets in the marking  guideline/memorandum) and a relevant conclusion (indicated by a  bullet in the marking guideline) e.g. in an answer where there are 5  main points there will be 7 ticks.  
2.4.3 Keep the PEEL structure in mind when assessing an essay.    

Point: The candidate introduces the essay by taking a line of  argument/making a major point. 

Explanation: The candidate should explain in more detail what  the main point is all about and how it relates to the question  posed (line of argument). 

Example: The candidates should answer the question by  selecting content that is relevant to the line of argument.  Relevant examples should be given to sustain the line of  argument. 

Link: Candidates should ensure that the line of argument is  sustained throughout the essay and is written coherently. 

 2.4.4 The following symbols MUST be used when assessing an essay:  

  • Introduction, main aspects and conclusion not properly   contextualised   ^  
  • Wrong statement _________________  
  • Irrelevant statement | 
  • Repetition R  
  • Analysis A√ 
  • Interpretation I√ 
  • Line of argument LOA    

2.5 The matrix 
2.5.1 Use of the matrix in the marking of essays.  
In the marking of essays, the criteria as provided in the matrix should  be used. When assessing the essay note both the content and  presentation. At the point of intersection of the content and  presentation based on the seven competency levels, a mark should  be awarded.  
 (a) The first reading of essays will be to determine to what extent  the main aspects have been covered and to allocate the  content level (on the matrix).  



(b) The second reading of essays will relate to the level (on the  matrix) of presentation.  





(c) Allocate an overall mark with the use of the matrix.  














  • Very well  planned and  structured essay. 
  • Good synthesis  of information. 
  • Developed an  original,well  balanced and  independent line  of argument with  the use of  evidence and  sustained and  defended the  argument  throughout. 
  • Independent  conclusion is  drawn from  evidence to  support the line  of argument. 


  • Very well  planned and structured essay. 
  • Developed a  relevant line of  argument. 
  • Evidence used to  defend the  argument. 
  • Attempts to draw  an independent  conclusion from  the evidence to  support the line  of argument. 


  • Well planned and  structured essay. 
  • Attempts to  develop a clear  argument. 
  • Conclusion  drawn from the evidence to  support the line  of argument. 


  • Planned and  constructed an  argument. 
  • Evidence used to  some extent to  support the line  of argument. 
  • Conclusions  reached based  on evidence. 


  • Shows some evidence of a  planned and  constructed  argument. 
  • Attempts to  sustain a line of  argument. 
  • Conclusions not  clearly supported  by evidence.


  • Attempts to  structure an  answer. 
  • Largely  descriptive or  some attempt at  developing a line  of argument.
  • No  attempt to draw a  conclusion. 


  • Little or no attempt to  structure the  essay. 


  • Question has been  fully answered. 
  • Content selection  fully relevant to line  of argument. 





  • Question has been  answered. 
  • Content selection  relevant to a line of  argument. 






  • Question answered  to a great extent. 
  • Content adequately  covered and  relevant. 








  • Question  recognisable in answer. 
  • Some omissions or  irrelevant content  selection. 






  • Content selection  does relate to the  question, but does  not answer it, or  does not always  relate to the  question. 
  • Omissions in  coverage. 






  • Question  inadequately  addressed.
  • Sparse  content. 




LEVEL 1*  

  • Question  inadequately addressed or not at  all. Inadequate or  irrelevant content. 



*Guidelines for allocating a mark for Level 1:  

  • Question not addressed at all/totally irrelevant content; no attempt to structure the essay = 0 
  • Answer includes basic and generally irrelevant information; no attempt to structure the essay = 1–6 
  • Question inadequately addressed and vague; little attempt to structure the essay = 7–13 

1.1 1.1.1 [Explanation of historical concept from Source 1A – L1] 

  • Black Consciousness is a philosophy based on the belief that  liberation for blacks would only be attained if they removed the  shackles of inferiority and fear  
  • Black Consciousness is the belief in oneself as a black/self – reliance/pride 
  • Any other relevant response (1 x 2) (2)    

 1.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1]  

  • Black people take pride in their in their blackness (1 x 2) (2)    

 1.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A – L1]  

  • Restore black consciousness 
  • Restore African consciousness (2 x 1) (2)    

 1.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1A – L2]  

  • Black Consciousness (BC) revived a sense of identity 
  • It inspired the blacks to fight the apartheid system 
  • Any other relevant response (2 x 2) (4)    

 1.1.5 [Ascertain the usefulness of Source 1A – L3]  
The source is useful because:  

  • It highlights the involvement of African American leaders influence  on Biko 
  • It emphasises the need for Black people to change their mindset 
  • It shows the need for them to be proud as a human being, being  black and having some dignity. 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

1.2 1.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1]  

  • BPC 
  • SASO (2 x 1) (2)    

 1.2.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1B – L2]  

  • To reach the masses in all provinces 
  • To create/identify leaders in all provinces 
  • To spread the ideas of Black Consciousness across  South Africa 
  • To equip university students in various skills 
  • To cater for the needs of high-schools and township-based youth 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)   

 1.2.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1B – L2]  

  • Taught Black South African students to be self-reliant 
  • Instilled Black pride and independence 
  • Taking responsibility for their well-being 
  • Created leadership for the liberation movement 
  • Acquisition of skills 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

1.3 1.3.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1C – L1]  

  • There was serious mobilisation in the schools (1 x 2) (2)    

1.3.2 Extraction of evidence from Source 1C – L1]  

  1. Proposed a mass demonstration against Afrikaans (1 x 2) (2) 
  2. Led the initial class boycott at Orlando West Junior Secondary  School (1 x 2) (2)  

 1.3.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1C – L2]  

  • Afrikaans was the oppressor’s language 
  • Students and teachers were not familiar with the language 
  • Resulted in demotivation, drop outs and failure among black South  African learners. 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

1.4 [Comparison of sources and ascertaining similarities between Sources 1B  and 1C–L3]  

  • Source 1B indicates the training of leaders in various political skills and  Source 1C shows the leaders taking action against oppression. 
  • Both sources highlight the influence that the student movements had on  the youth in the 1970s 
  • Source 1B influenced students to resist Bantu Education and Source 1C  shows how students resisted Bantu Education. 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

1.5 1.5.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2]  

  • Biko believed in one nation for the country which he called Azania 
  • People still believed in Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness  


  • Motivate people to continue the fight against apartheid 
  • To commemorate Biko for his contribution in the fight against  apartheid 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 1 x 2) (2)  

1.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2]  

  • Our country should belong to everyone that lives in it 
  • The countries name should be changed to Azania. 
  •  Any other relevant response (Any 1 x 2) (2)   

1.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources –  L3]  
Candidates could include the following aspects in their responses:  

  • Black Consciousness expressed black pride and the determination to rise  against oppression (Source 1A) 
  • Created independence/self- reliance amongst black South Africans  (Source 1A) 
  • The ideas of Black Consciousness spread across schools which  conscientised learners to reject Bantu Education (Source 1B) 
  • Mobilised students to resist Afrikaans as a medium of instruction  (Sources 1C and 1D) 
  • BC encouraged students to embark on mass demonstrations/class  boycotts against Bantu Education (Source 1C)
  • Encouraged black South African youth to stand up for their rights (own  knowledge) 
  • The philosophy of Black Consciousness served to politically conscientise  South Africans (own knowledge) 
  • Biko spoke about the new South Africa which he called Azania (Source  1D) 
  • People still believe in Biko and Black Consciousness (Source 1D). 
  • Any other relevant response (8)  

Use the following rubric to allocate marks:  


  • Uses evidence in an elementary manner,  e.g. shows no or little understanding of  how the different youth organisations  and leaders influence the South African  youth in the1970s. 
  • Uses evidence partially or cannot write a  paragraph. 




  • Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to  a great extent on the topic, e.g. shows  some understanding of how the  different youth organisations and  leaders influenced the South African  youth in the 1970s. 
  • Uses evidence in a very basic manner to  write a paragraph. 




  • Uses relevant evidence, e.g.  demonstrates a thorough  understanding of how the different  youth organisations and leaders influenced the South African youth in  the 1970s. 
  • Uses evidence very effectively in an  organised paragraph that shows an  understanding of the topic. 



(8) [50]

2.1 2.1.1 [Explanation of historical concepts from Source 2A – L1] 
(a) Apartheid  

  • Discrimination of people on the basis of their colour, race  and gender 
  • Separation of races politically, economically and socially 
  •  Any other relevant explanation (Any 1 x 2) (2)  

 (b) Amnesty  

  • Is the granting of official pardon for people that committed  politically related offences during apartheid 
  • Any other relevant explanation (Any 1 x 2) (2)    

 2.1.2 [Extraction of information from Source 2A – L1]  

  • To bring to light the causes, nature and extent of gross human  violations 
  • Granting of amnesty 
  • Disclosure of all relevant facts related to acts of violence. 
  • Restoring human and civil dignity 
  • Recommending reparation/amnesty 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 3 x 1) (3)  

 2.1.3 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2]  

  • Much hatred/mistrust existed between different races 
  • To make the new dispensation work in South Africa 
  •  To prevent further violence that has plagued South Africa for  years 
  • To secure the survival of the new democracy 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

 2.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2A – L2] 

  • Victim-friendly: Allowed them to find closure and an opportunity  to forgive  


  • Perpetrator-friendly: They were not jailed for their actions/they  were granted amnesty (1 x 2) (2)    

2.2 2.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]  

  • Eugene De Kock (1 x 2) (2)  

 2.2.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 2B – L1]  

  • De Kock was approached by General van Rensburg to kill the  Motherwell policemen 
  • De Kock approached the technical division of the Pretoria police 
  • He had a bomb made (3 x 1) (3) 

 2.2.3 [Interpretation of evidence of from Source 2B – L2]  

  • Candidates need to take a stance and support their response  with relevant answers 
  • YES
  • He made an appeal to meet with the widows of the victims 
  • He wanted to apologise 
  • He acknowledged their pain 
  •  Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

 2.2.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2B – L2]  

  • Emotional 
  • Forgiveness 
  • Tearful 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 1 x 2) (4)    

2.3 2.3.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2C – L2]  

  • It depicts Eugene de Kock, Craig Williamson and Johan Coetzee  appearing before the Amnesty Commission of the TRC
  • The Amnesty Commission sat at the Union buildings in Pretoria 
  • They were responsible for the murders of many anti-apartheid  activists
  • They have committed many political crimes in different counties
  • Any other relevant response (Any 1 x 2) (2)   

 2.3.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2C – L2]  

  • Seat of power of the government which was guilty of human rights  abuses 
  • It represented the leadership of the government who gave orders 
  • They were all ex government officials. 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 1 x 2) (2)  

2.4 [Comparison of Source 2B and Source 2C – L3]  

  • Source 2B indicates that De Kock was an implicated witness in the TRC  hearings. Source 2C shows that De Kock appears before the TRC at the  Union building 
  • Both sources refer to bombs being used to get rid of state enemies 
  • In Source 2B De Kock reveals the truth about the Motherwell bombing and  in Source 2C the truth unfolds/The show ain’t over till the fat man sings 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)   

2.5 2.5.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1D – L1]  

  • The truth is being told of what happened (1 x 2) (2)    

 2.5.2 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 2D – L2]  

  • The issue on the granting of amnesty 
  • Some victims wanted perpetrators to be punished for their crimes 
  • Some people who were guilty of gross human violations refused to  appear before the TRC 
  • Some perpetrators did not tell the truth and showed no remorse 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)    

 2.5.3 [Evaluating the usefulness of Source 2D – L3]  
The source is useful because:  

  • Hatred and animosities of the past would go away/heal the  wounds of the past 
  • It would restore the respect (worth) of the South African nation 
  • It would be an admission that something wrong was done 
  • Bring about reconciliation/unity 
  • Any other relevant response (Any 2 x 2) (4)  

2.6 [Interpretation, evaluation and synthesis of evidence from relevant sources –  L3]  
 Candidates could include the following aspects in their response: 

  • After winning the 1994 elections, the ANC established the TRC (Source  2A) 
  • Objectives were to establish causes, nature and extent of gross human  violations (Source 2A) 
  • Granting of amnesty to those that made full disclosure (Source 2 A) 
  • They were able to come forward and tell their stories (Source 2A) 
  • Eugene de Kock was the first implicated witness that applied for amnesty  (Source 2B) 
  • The mothers of the victims in the Motherwell Bombing forgave him  (Source 2B) 
  • They wanted De Kock to have a future (Source 2B) 
  • Three of them were involved in atrocities (Source 2C) 
  • They also appeared before the TRC (Source 2C) 
  • Mbeki gives reasons as to why it is important to tell the truth at the TRC  (Source 2D) 
  • Telling the truth is as painful as hurting the victims (Source 2D) 
  • Any other relevant response  

Use the following rubric to allocate marks:  


  • Uses evidence in an elementary manner, e.g.  shows no or little understanding of how  successful the Truth and Reconciliation  Commission (TRC) was in dealing with  South Africa’s divided past. 
  • Uses evidence partially or cannot write a  paragraph.

MARKS 0–2 


  • Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to a  great extent on the topic, e.g. shows an  understanding of how successful the  Truth and reconciliation commission  (TRC) was in dealing with South Africa’s  divided past. 
  • Uses evidence in a very basic manner to  write a paragraph.

MARKS 3–5 


  • Uses relevant evidence, e.g.  demonstrates a thorough understanding  of how successful the Truth and  reconciliation commission (TRC) was in  dealing with South Africa’s divided past. 
  • Uses evidence very effectively in an  organised paragraph that shows an  understanding of the topic.

MARKS 6–8 

(8)  [50]  

[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical  and interpretative skills]  
Candidates should explain to what extent the international anti-apartheid movement  played a major role in ensuring the eventual downfall of the apartheid regime in the  1980s. Candidates need to use relevant examples that the international civil  resistance movement used against the apartheid regime.  
Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:  

  • Introduction: Candidates need to explain to what extent the international anti apartheid movement was responsible for the eventual downfall of apartheid  regime.  


  • Formation and role of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) in the United Kingdom  (background) 
  • Formation and role of Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement (IAAM) (background) 
  • IDAF: financial backing to activists 
  • PW Botha's attempts at reforming apartheid by introducing the Tri-Cameral  parliamentary system in 1983 
  • PW Botha's Rubicon Speech of 1985 forced the international community into  action which embarked on various forms of boycotts, sanctions and  disinvestments against the apartheid regime 
  • Sport Boycotts: The role of the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee  (SANROC) campaigned against discrimination in sport/against participants of  whites only South African teams in international sporting events 
  • The role of Halt All Racial Tours (HART) (staged protest action against the 'racist'  Springbok rugby tour in New Zealand in 1981) 
  • The role of the South African Council on Sport (SACOS) (established political  links with the UDF and COSATU and they insisted that sports boycotts be  maintained until apartheid ended - their slogan 'No normal sport in an abnormal  society') 
  • By the late 1980s South Africa was banned from 90% of world sport
  • Cultural Boycotts: In 1985, US artists protested against apartheid and refused  to perform in South Africa 
  • Raised money for liberation movements (In 1986 the Freedom Festival in  London; 
  • Musicians expressed their solidarity with freedom loving South Africans   
  • Academic Boycotts: International scholars refused to travel to South Africa/  International publishers refused to publish South African manuscripts and grant  access to information/International conferences barred South African scholars/  Institutions abroad denied South Africa academics access and refused to  recognise South African degrees 
  • Consumer boycotts: OPEC placed an embargo on oil sales to South Africa  (South Africa experienced a recession in 1980s)/Irish workers refused to handle  fruits from SA/Imports of raw materials from South Africa – coal, iron, steel –  were banned 
  • Disinvestments: In 1980s foreign investments dropped by 30%; by 1980 Britain  already disinvested from Simon’s Town naval dockyard; General Motors and  Barclays Bank pulled out of SA/In the 1980s SAs economy struggled as investors  left the country 
  • The effects of AAM protests had a negative effect on the South African  government 
  • Between 1985 and 1990 over 200 US companies pulled out of South Africa,  University of California withdrew investments of three billion dollars from South  Africa 
  • Sanctions: (In 1980s the Sullivan Principle, workers of all USA companies  should be treated equally) In 1985 the US Bank – Chase Manhattan Bank cut  ties with South Africa; the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) closed for 4  days. The value of the rand dropped by 35% from 54 to 34 cents to the dollar), in  1986 the US Congress passed a law that banned all new investments and loans  in SA; big corporations such as General Electric, Pepsi Cola, General Motors,  Mobil and IBM stopped their activities in South Africa; USA threatened to stop  weapon sales to countries which provided weapons to South Africa; in 1986 the  Anti-Apartheid Law of the USA caused Europe and Japan to introduce sanctions  against South Africa/International banks lost confidence in South Africa's  economy 
  • In 1982, United Nations (UN) condemned apartheid and called for total sanctions  against South Africa 
  • In 1985, the European Economic Community banned new investments in South  Africa 
  • In 1988 one fifth of British companies withdrew their businesses from South  Africa because of pressure from shareholders/Barclays Bank, sold their shares  due to pressure of the British public/The South African economy kept stagnating  and produced a growth of only 1,1% 
  • Release Mandela Campaign: (Wembley Stadium/United Nations/UN Security  Council and UN General Assembly called for the release of Nelson Mandela)  ∙ The Role of international trade unions: (The AAM in Europe and Australia;  Liverpool dockworkers; Finland's Transport Workers Union imposed a ban on  trade with South Africa) 
  • This resulted in SA experiencing great economic difficulties and they were forced  to begin negotiations with liberation organisations in South Africa 
  • The role of the Front-Line states 
  • Any other relevant response 
  • Conclusion: Candidates need to tie up their argument with a relevant  conclusion. [50]  

[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical  and interpretative skills.]  
Candidates need to critically discuss how South Africa emerged as a democracy  from the crisis of the 1990s. Relevant examples to South Africa’s road to democracy  must be discussed.  
Candidates should include the following aspects in their essays:  

  • Introduction: Candidates need to critically discuss the different role-players  in creating conditions for South Africa’s road to democracy from 1990 to 1994.  

Focus on different role players in the following key historical events and turning  points:  

  • Release of Mandela and unbanning of ANC, PAC and SACP 
  • The process of negotiations (i.e. Groote Schuur Minute, Pretoria Minute) 
  • Suspension of the armed struggle 
  • CODESA 1 
  • Referendum 
  • CODESA 2 
  • Record of Understanding
  • Increased violence – Rolling mass action (i.e. Boipatong, Bhisho, etc.) 
  • Goldstone Commission 
  • Multi party negotiations 
  • Death of Hani – call for peace 
  • Storming of the World Trade Centre, etc. 
  • 1994 election – cast ballot in KZN 
  • ANC won elections and Mandela became the first black South African president 
  • Any other relevant response 
  • Conclusion: Candidates need to tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]  

[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical  and interpretative skills]  
Candidates need to state whether they agree or disagree with the statement. They  need to indicate whether the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1989 served as a  catalyst for South Africa to begin its political transformation in the 1990s. Candidates  must support their given line of argument with relevant historical evidence.  
Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:  

  • Introduction: Candidates need to indicate whether the disintegration of the Soviet  Union in 1989 served as a catalyst for the political transformation that occurred in  South Africa in the 1990s.  

In agreeing with the assertion, candidates could include the following points in their  answer.  

  • The impact of the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1989 on South Africa 
  • Gorbachev’s reform policies of Glasnost and Perestroika 
  • The communist regimes in Eastern Europe collapsed 
  • The Berlin Wall had fallen 
  • Changes in the world contributed to the end of apartheid 
  • The collapse of the USSR deprived the ANC of its main source of support  (financial; military and moral and its consequences) 
  • The National Party claim that it was protecting South Africa from a communist  onslaught became unrealistic 
  • Western world powers supported the move that South Africa resolve its problems  peacefully and democratically 
  • It became evident the National Party government could not maintain white  supremacy indefinitely 
  • Influential National Party members started to realise that apartheid was not the  answer to the needs of white capitalist development 
  • The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale and its consequences 
  • The security forces and state of emergency had not stopped township revolts 
  • By the late 1980s South Africa was in a state of economic depression 
  • The role of business leaders in South Africa’s political transformation
  • PW Botha suffered a stroke and was succeeded by FW De Klerk 
  • FW de Klerk started to accept that the black South African struggle against  apartheid was not a conspiracy directed from Moscow 
  • This enabled De Klerk to engage in discussions with the liberation organisations
  • On 2 February 1990, De Klerk announced ‘a new and just constitutional  dispensation’ 
  • This signalled the end of apartheid 
  • Any other relevant response 
  • Conclusion: Candidates need to tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]

TOTAL: 100 

Last modified on Tuesday, 05 October 2021 06:54