1.1.1 C/overcast (1)
1.1.2 C/thunderstorms (1)
1.1.3 B/cumulonimbus (1)
1.1.4 C/south easterly (1)
1.1.5 B/north east (1)
1.1.6 A/ridging from the Atlantic Ocean (1)
1.1.7 D/uneven distribution of cold and warm air masses (1) (7 x 1) (7)
1.2.1 I/Tributary (1)
1.2.2 C/Watershed (1)
1.2.3 H/Confluence (1)
1.2.4 E/Rapids (1)
1.2.5 F/Porous (1)
1.2.6 A/Groundwater (1)
1.2.7 D/Impermeable (1)
1.2.8 G/Water table (1) (8 x 1) (8)
1.3.1 Mid-latitude cyclone/Frontal Depression (1)
ACCEPT: mid-latitude depression/extra tropical cyclone/temperate cyclone (1)
(1 x 1) (1)
1.3.2 Position: found between 30°S and 50°S (2)
Situated W/WSW of South Africa (2)
Presence of the cold front (2)
The shape of the cloud formation (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.3 Driven by the westerlies (westerly wind belt) therefore moves from west to east /eastwards (2) (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.4 Northward migration of pressure belts during South African winter (2)
Northward migration of westerly wind belt during South African winter (2)
Mid-latitude cyclone drawn northwards during South African winter and passes over country/inland/close to the land (2)
Mid-latitude cyclone moves northwards due to the apparent northward movement of the sun and passes over the country/inland/close to the land (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.5 [1 mark for diagram showing steep cold front and any 3 labels] (4 x 1) (4)
1.3.6 Increased rainfall improves crop yields (2)
Increasing the growth of trading produce for both large-scale and small-scale farmers in winter (2)
Increased rainfall improves dam water levels allowing for more water to be made available to the agriculture/farming in South-Western Cape (2)
Greater variety of crops (2)
Water provided for irrigation can decrease production costs(2)
Snow-capped mountains attracts tourists (2)
Water can be stored to be used during the drier summer months to keep the economy going (2)
More water is available for industrial purposes (2)
More water is available for the of Hydro-electric power and reduces costs of electricity generation (2)
Lower temperatures reduce production costs (2)
Increases the level of food security(2)
1.4.1 25,9 °C (1) (1 x 1) (1)
1.4.2 The materials used (concrete, glass, steel) to construct buildings in the CBD retain more heat (2)
Artificial conditioning (climatic controls) of air creates a microclimate within each building (2)
Use of non-reflective paints (2)
Tall buildings create a larger surface area that is heated (2)
Tall buildings reflect greater heat between buildings due to a larger surface area being heated (2)
Early morning and late afternoon sun's rays hit sides of tall buildings at right angles concentrating heat on tall buildings (2)
The high building density retains more heat from multiple reflection of heat (2)
The flat closed roofing traps heat within taller buildings (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
1.4.3 The air temperatures between the buildings are slightly cooler due to the channelling of air/wind between buildings (2)
More shadows between buildings (2)
Vegetation between buildings promotes transpiration and therefore evaporation and cooling of air (2)
Air between the buildings is cooled by upliftment (2)
At night time, the atmosphere cools down quicker while the buildings retain heat (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
1.4.4 CBD Redevelopment
Create more green belts around the CBD in open spaces e.g. parks/gardens (2)
Taller building should be encouraged to have roof top gardens (2)
Large pot plants/trees at intersections between taller buildings (2)
Use of paved surfaces (paving blocks) rather than tarred surfaces (2)
Reduction of transport routes within the core of the CBD (2)
Rapid Transport Systems (alternate transport systems) to decrease vehicular traffic (2)
The development of ring roads to reduce vehicular traffic in the CBD (2)
Water features to increase evaporation cooling (2)
Reduction/Removal of trading with open fire cooking in the core of the CBD (2)
Encourage buildings with underground parking (2)
Rezoning of the CBD to encourage industries to locate outside the city limits (industrial decentralisation) (2)
Commercial decentralisation (2)
Alternate Types of Materials
Encourage use of more transparent materials that retain less heat (2)
Use of ambient lighting between streets rather than high watt bright globes (2)
Encourage the use of lighter shades of paint colours that absorb less heat on taller buildings (2)
Use of reflective paints (2)
Use of sheet metal rather than steel on roof tops (2)
1.5.1 Water moving on the surface of the earth after a period of rainfall (precipitation)(1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
1.5.2 Urban/A (1) (1 x 1) (1)
1.5.3 The impermeable surface of the urban area promotes more overland flow than infiltration (2)
The drainage systems in the urban area is human-made (2)
Surface flow is artificially channelled (2)
Less friction from concrete surfaces promotes more run-off (2)
Lack of surfaces covered with vegetation promotes run-off (2)
Lining rivers with concrete (canalising) increases overland flow as infiltration is reduced (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
1.5.5 Urban
Increased amounts of vegetation to intercept the excess run-off and promote infiltration (2)
Create green belts (2)
Use porous building materials on the ground to increase infiltration (2)
Drains and storm water pipes (2)
More groundcover between rows of crops areas will reduce run-off (2)
Slopes can be terraced to ensure excess run-off is retained (2)
Contour ploughing (2)
Crop rotation to maintain stability of soil to increase infiltration (2)
Till the soil in cultivated areas to increase infiltration (2)
Develop furrows (2)
Increase mulching (2)
1.6.1 When a more energetic river captures the headwaters of a less energetic river (1)
When one river steals/robs the headwaters of another river (1)
When a river flowing at a lower level intercepts the water of a river flowing at a higher level (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
1.6.2Headward erosion is taking place (1)
Tributary of river A is cutting back through watershed (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
1.6.3 Greater volume of water (1)
Erosive ability increases (1)
Drainage basin becomes larger (1)
Will be rejuvenated/more energetic/greater velocity(1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2) 1.6.4
River A flows at a lower level than river B (2)
River A could be flowing on softer rock (thus eroding faster) that river B (2)
River A could be in a higher rainfall area than river B (2)
Tributaries of river A flow down a steeper slope (2)
River A has a greater erosive ability (2)
Higher volume of water/higher stream order (2)
[ANY TWO ] (2 x 2) (4)
1.6.5 Less water for irrigation of crops (2)
Reduced yields due to the lack water (2)
Increase costs to obtain sufficient water (2)
Reduced flooding reduces natural fertilization of soil (2)
Input costs to farm increases (2)
Farming no longer economically viable (2)
Loss of jobs as farming areas decline(2)
Loss of income as farming yields decrease (2)
Poverty increases due to lack of crops to sell and access to food (2)
Rural-urban migration sets in (2)
Lack of domestic water (2)
Lack of recreational activities (2)
Poverty increases due to lack of access to food (food insecurity) (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
2.1.1 X (1)
2.1.2 South Indian High Pressure/Mauritius High Pressure Cell (1)
2.1.3 Indian Ocean (1)
2.1.4 Kalahari High Pressure/Continental High Pressure Cell (1)
2.1.5 rising (1)
2.1.6 Y (1)
2.1.7 strong (subsidence) (1)
2.1.8 above (1) (8 x 1) (8)
2.2.1 C (1)
2.2.2 A (1)
2.2.3 C (1)
2.2.4 B (1)
2.2.5 D (1)
2.2.6 A (1)
2.2.7 A (1) (7 x 1) (7)
2.3.1 Katabatic
ACCEPT Downslope wind/Gravity wind (1) (1 x 1) (1)
2.3.2 Cold air becomes dense and sinks (1)
Gravity (1)
Pressure differences at crest and valley floor/Pressure gradient (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
2.3.3 Friction (2)
Slows the downward movement of air (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.3.4 The dense, cooler air collects on the valley floor (2)
Warmer air is displaced upwards (2) (2 x 2) (4)
2.3.5 Positive Influence on Valley Floor
Radiation fog that covers the valley floor increases the level of moisture available to plants (2)
Melting frost is a source of water, keeps the soils moist (2)
Extreme cold kills unwanted pests (2)
The lower temperature promotes frost resistant types of vegetation (2)
Negative Influence on Valley Floor
Cold dense air collects on the valley floor creating frost pockets that destroys vegetation (2)
Air cools to below freezing point and frost covers plants and soil which weakens stems and leafs of vegetation (2)
Black frost can destroy plants (2)
Radiation fog formed on the valley floor at night reduces the level of photosynthesis in the mornings (2)
Reduces the variety of crops able to be grown; only frost resistant crops can be grown (2)
2.4.1 Air circulation is anti-clockwise around a low pressure (1)
Hurricane is a name used in the Northern Hemisphere (1) (1 x 1) (1)
2.4.2 15 km to 17 km (1) (1 x 1) (1)
2.4.3 Subsiding air in the eye creates stable conditions (2)
Rapidly rising air around the centre of the eye results in upper air divergence (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.4.4 Latent Heat (2)
Heat released during condensation (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.4.5 Wind speeds reach hurricane strength/Very strong winds (2)
Thunderstorms/Torrential rainfall /Intense/heaviest rainfall (2)
Spiralling bands of cumulonimbus clouds (2)
Low air pressure conditions (2)
Hail and lightning (2)
Walls of cumulonimbus clouds which results in overcast conditions (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
2 marks for dangerous semi-circle in the north east
2 marks for air movement
(2 x 2) (4)
2.5.1 The volume of water that passes a point in the river (in a specific time) (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
2.5.2 Lower course/ C(1) (1 x 1) (1)
2.5.3 Gentle gradient, therefore water spreads over a wider area (2)
Deposition makes the river shallower (2)
Lateral erosion occurs (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
2.5.4 Many tributaries leading to the main river before the lower course (2)
Lower course has a higher stream order (2)
Supplementation from groundwater/base flow (2)
The gentle gradient slows down the velocity, water accumulates and volume increases (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
2.5.5 Increase of Rainfall on Depth
Depth increases (2)
Increase in volume will remove already deposited materials (2)
Less materials would be deposited increasing the depth (2)
More surface run-off and overland increase the volume of water in the lower course increasing the downward erosive ability (2)
Increase of Rainfall on Width
Width increases (2)
A greater volume of water would increase the rate of lateral erosion (2)
The river will flood with increasing rainfall, increasing the size of the floodplains (2)
2.6.1 The control of water thirsty alien plant infestations (1)
Wetland restoration (1) (2 x 1) (2)
2.6.2 'drought is an ever present risk' (2)
Water requirements and supply is at threat (2)
There are problems with the quality of water (2)
There are problems with the supply of water (2)
South African's have a limited supply of potable water' (2)
South Africa receives less than 500mm average annual rainfall (2)
To ensure a sustainable water supply in South Africa (2)
2.6.3 Wetland restoration will improve the quality of ground water that is fed into the South African river systems (2)
Less polluted water will reach the ground water and this will increase water quality in South African river systems (2)
Wetland restoration will promote greater infiltration resulting in increased volumes of water in permanent rivers (2)
Wetland restoration will reduce flood rates and channel water into river systems reducing overland flow and surface water losses (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
2.6.4 Landfills pollute and reduce the supply and quality of ground water in catchment areas (2)
Mining activities e.g.(AMD – Acid Mine Drainage) pollute and reduce the supply and quality of ground water in catchment areas (2)
Poor agricultural methods reduce the quality of ground water in catchment areas (2)
Industries and sewage works direct their effluent into tributaries of major catchment areas reducing the quality of water (2)
Domestic use of rivers in informal settlements pollute rivers (2)
Refuse from informal settlements reduce the quality of water in catchment areas (2)
Agricultural run-off that has been treated with fertilisers/pesticides invade catchments and reduce the quality of water (2)
Boreholes reduce the amount of groundwater available in certain catchment areas (2)
Poor cropping methods results in alien vegetation which uses large quantities of water in catchment areas (2)
The construction of dams in a catchment area changes flow patterns of rivers reducing the amount of water available (2)
Overgrazing and removal of vegetation reduce the groundwater levels and increase the amount of surface run-off in catchment areas (2)
Water transfer schemes impact on the flow patterns in catchment areas (2)
[ANY THREE] (3 x 2) (6)
3.2.1 I/Heavy industry (1)
3.2.2 E/Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(1)
3.2.3 D/Industrial decentralisation (1)
3.2.4 C/Footloose industry (1)
3.2.5 A/Bridge industry (1)
3.2.6 B/Economic recession (1)
3.2.7 G/Home market (1)
3.2.8 F/Export market (1) (8 x 1) (8)
3.3.1 Land is given back (1)
Land restitution is the process whereby people whose land had been taken away (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
3.3.2 A law which segregated racial groups on the basis of where they were allowed to live in South Africa (1) (1 x 1) (1)
3.1.1 B/hamlet (1)
3.1.2 B/site (1)
3.1.3 B/km2 (1)
3.1.4 D/religion (1)
3.1.5 C/function of the settlement (1)
3.1.6 D/higher ground (1)
3.1.7 C/bridging point settlement (1) (7 x 1) (7)
3.3.3 1994 (1) (1 x 1) (1)
3.3.4 Land restitution is taking a long time (2)
Land restitution in South Africa has been occurring at a slow pace (2)
Land restitution not yet implemented everywhere in South Africa (2)
Various constituencies (groups of people) still discussing issues related to land restitution (2)
Many restitution claims not yet resolved (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.3.5 Disagreement between government and traditional leaders about the extent of land to be restored to communities (2)
There is a lack of post-settlement support from government (training, equipment, infrastructure, financial aid) (2)
It is a costly process (2)
The process takes time to resolve land claim disputes (2)
Re-allocated land is not being used productively and in many instances is not being cultivated (2)
Redistribution has not stimulated economic development or reduced poverty in rural areas (2)
The anticipated move from subsistence to commercial farming has not taken place on reallocated land (2)
Redistribution occurs to people who have no agricultural knowledge or interest in farming (2)
Despite new land tenure laws, eviction of farm workers still takes place (2)
Land is not developed enough so that people can sustain their livelihoods (2)
Support for agricultural production by government is inadequate (2)
The willing buyer/seller policy (2)
The current owners are reluctant to release land (2)
Some restitution beneficiaries do not move back onto the land (2)
Gap in land reform policy (2)
Bribery and corruption (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
3.4.1 A settlement that provides urban goods and services to the surrounding rural settlements/population (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
3.4.2 The threshold population refers to the minimum number of customers that is needed to make a business profitable (1) whilst a sphere of influence refers to the area from which a business draws its customers (1)
[CONCEPTS] (2 x 1) (2)
3.4.4 If number of customers is greater than the required threshold population, the profit margin will be greater (2)
The more people above the threshold population, the greater the profit margin of your business (2)
If the number of customers is lower than the required threshold population, there is no profit margin (2)
The fewer people below the threshold population, there is no profit margin(2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.4.5 The sphere of influence will increase (2)
People will travel a greater distance to the central place to make use of the service (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.5.1 A small-scale farmer is someone who farms on a small piece of land (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
3.5.3 Utilises a small plot of land (2)
Lacking in mechanisation (2)
Possible illegal farming (2)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 2) (2)
3.5.4 Small-scale farming helps to create employment (2)
Small- scale farming provides an income (2)
Small-scale farming addresses food security issues (2)
Small areas of land are able to produce high yields and profits are high (2)
Small-scale farming can provide essential perishable items (vegetables, chickens and dairy products) (2)
Discourages rural depopulation (2)
Creates self-pride in owning one's own little piece of land (2)
Stimulates economic growth and economic activity (2)
Can improve agricultural and entrepreneurial skills (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
3.6.1 Development of 8 new industrial areas in the Durban-Pinetown Region (1)
Cornubia Industrial Park (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
3.6.2 Sugar cane (1)
Dairy products (1)
Beef (1)
Subtropical fruit (1)
Wood (1)
Crude oil (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
3.6.3 'will generate (36 000) new job opportunities' (1)
'(370 000) short-term construction jobs' (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
3.6.4 Decreases the unemployment rate/Creates employment (2)
Develops the local economy by creating more income amongst the locals (2)
Reduces poverty (2)
Raises standards of living/quality of life(2)
Reduces crime levels (2)
Up skills and reskills people (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.6.5 The roads (N2) are well developed (accessible) and been upgraded to support greater volumes of traffic (2)
Harbour which supports imports and exports close-by (2)
Infrastructure supports both heavy and light industries (2)
Availability of power supply (2)
The (King Shaka International) Airport is nearby (2)
(Dube Trade) Ports to support both imports and exports (2)
Large dams and pipelines provide access to water (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
3.6.6 It has many break of bulk industries due to the coastal location (harbour) (2)
The industries process raw materials that are imported e.g. oil/chemicals/leather (2)
Finished products are exported (sugar/maize products/leather products/ motor vehicles)(2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.1.1 D/Village (1)
4.1.2 F/Conurbation (1)
4.1.3 C/Farmstead (1)
4.1.4 G/Metropolis (1)
4.1.5 E/Town (1)
4.1.6 A/Nucleated settlement (1)
4.1.7 B/Megalopolis (1) (7 x 1) (7)
4.2.1 tertiary (1)
4.2.2 secondary (1)
4.2.3 agriculture (1)
4.2.4 finance (1)
4.2.5 secondary(1)
4.2.6 platinum (1)
4.2.7 manufacturing (1)
4.2.8 tertiary (1) (8 x 1) (8)
4.3.1 Movement of people from rural to urban areas (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
4.3.2 It represents the PULL factors (that which attracts people to urban areas) (1)
(1 x 1) (1)
4.3.3 Soil erosion (1)
No roads (1)
Poor crops (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
4.3.4 Rural depopulation (2)
Ageing population (2)
Population imbalances (2)
Decline/closure of services (2)
Deterioration of infrastructure (2)
Unused resources/farmland (2)
Drop in agricultural output (2)
Decline in work force (2)
Employment opportunities decrease (2)
Collapse/decline in the economy (2)
Separation of families (2)
Ghost towns (2)
Less investment takes place (2)
Brain drain takes place (2)
Lack of security on farms (crime rate) due to isolation (2)
Decreases the value of property (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.3.5 Meeting the basic needs/RDP (2)
Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CCRP) Agenda 21/NDP(2)
Provide quality services e.g. schools(2)
Upgrade infrastructure to improve accessibility (2)
Industrial development to create more employment (2)
Tourism and special events (2)
Development of game parks/Ecotourism (2)
Attract commuters to live there (2)
Development of arts festivals (2)
Develop tourist accommodation such as bed-and-breakfasts (2)
Improved salaries (2)
Government grants/support (2)
Uplift farming communities (2)
Development of agricultural schools (2)
Employment is created (2)
Changing farming practices to improve (2)
Scientific technology to improve rural living conditions (2)
Improve access to capital for farmers (2)
Skills training for farmers (2)
[ANY FOUR] (4 x 2) (8)
4.4.1 Traffic congestion (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
4.4.2 Phrase 1/'Dad, I wish our car had a bike lane so we could go fast …' (1)
Phrase 2/'I am glad I don't have to queue to get into the city!' (1) [ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
4.4.3 Air pollution (1)
Noise pollution (1)
Global Warming (1)
Heat islands are intensified (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
4.4.4 Faster than sitting in traffic (2)
Travelling by bicycle is more environmentally friendly (2)
Not costly to manage/no fuel required (2)
Easy to manage traffic(2)
More and more people living in/around the city use bicycles (2)
Bicycles are a cheaper form of transportation (2)
Recreational use of bicycles is sought after (2)
Healthier lifestyle is becoming increasingly more popular (2)
Safety and security of the bikers has been improved/ less accidents (2)
Less stressful (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.4.5 Lift clubs/Carpooling (more than one passenger per car) (2)
Development of affordable, reliable public transport (2)
Working flexi time (shifts) instituted in companies/private sector (2)
Congestion tax for entering/parking in the CBD (2)
Park-and-ride (2)
Mass Rapid Transport Systems (2)
Ring roads and bypasses (2)
Synchronised traffic lights (2)
One way streets (2)
Dedicated bus lanes/taxi lanes (2)
Roads in which directional flow changes during peak time (2)
The use of traffic wardens to control traffic(2)
Underground railways/subways (2)
Ride a bicycle instead of driving a car (2)
[ANY THREE] (3 x 2) (6)
4.5.1 Extremely busy corridor (1)
High trade value between South Africa and Mozambique/R25,1 billion in 2011 (1)
A total of 4,6 million people, 730 000 vehicles and 87 000 trucks cross the border annually (1)
[ANY ONE] (1 x 1) (1)
4.5.2 Pretoria Witwatersrand Vereeniging (PWV) /Gauteng (1) (1 x 1) (1)
4.5.3 N4 toll road (1)
Rail corridor (1)
The Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border post (1)
The port and terminal facilities at the Port of Maputo (1)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 1) (2)
4.5.5 Shorter route to an international market (2)
Reduces transport costs (2)
Reduces time (2)
Substantial investments been made over the time period since its inception
The N4 toll road being completed (and well maintained) (2)
Major infrastructure development (2)
Creation of jobs (2)
Initiated economic growth in many of South Africa's under-developed regions (along the route) (2)
Development of remote areas along the corridor (2)
Development of tourism (2)
Connects Maputo to the economic heartbeat of Southern Africa (Johannesburg) (2)
Rehabilitation of Maputo Port (2)
A gas pipeline been constructed between Mozambique and Secunda, makes accessibility to fuel more viable (2)
Economic upliftment (2)
Improved trade relations between both countries (2)
Increase in skills (2)
Improve standard of living (2)
Improves foreign trade/GDP (2)
[ANY FOUR.] (4 x 2) (8)
4.6.1 The informal sector is unregulated/unregistered and does not pay SARS (1)
[CONCEPT] (1 x 1) (1)
4.6.2 Decreases (1) (1 x 1) (1)
4.6.3 By-laws changing (2)
Land-use changing over time (2)
Urban renewal (2)
To decrease/eradicate urban blight (2)
It relieves congestion (2)
Offered better trading facilities/zones elsewhere (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.6.4 Net monthly income decreases (2)
Decrease in income creates economic hardship amongst households (2)
Poverty increases (2)
Lower standards of living (2)
Cost of goods being sold increases (2)
Profit margin decreases (2)
Fewer people can afford to buy products (2)
Businesses are forced to close down (2)
Poverty increases (2)
Lower standards of living (2)
Security where trading takes place decreases (2)
Places where informal trading takes place are not being monitored (2)
Informal traders are vulnerable against crime (2)
Increase in theft results in loss of income (2)
Poverty increases (2)
Lower standards of living (2)
Days spent trading goods between Monday and Friday decreases (2)
Fewer days available or to sell their goods, decrease earnings (2)
Left with excess/perishable products not sold and loss of income (2)
Poverty increases (2)
Lower standards of living (2)
Forced removal from place of trading to a new location increases (2)
Places allowed for trade are being reduced and earnings will drop (2)
Not easy to reach new places from where they can trade/higher transport costs(2)
Competition from formal sectors where they are allowed to trade (2)
Loss of regular clientele and income (2)
Poverty increases (2)
Lower standards of living (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
4.6.5 Women make up a growing proportion of the population, so need to be actively involved in the economy (2)
Many households in South Africa are headed up by women, so women need to be more economically active to support dependants (2)
Many women are single income earners and support their entire family (2)
Many women are not formally educated, yet need to earn a living, so working in the informal sector is a necessity (2)
Many women are home based to look after their family and can work at home (crafts) to bring in an income (2)
[ANY TWO] (2 x 2) (4)
TOTAL: 225